Are you wondering how to lose belly fat the right way?
Do those Internet commercials that promise to have “the only one secret to eliminating belly fat” or “the key to burning belly fat” spark your interest?
If that’s the case, you’re not alone.
Americans spend billions of dollars and countless hours trying everything they can to get a flat tummy. Losing abdominal fat, sometimes known as belly fat, is a typical weight-loss objective around the world at large today. Because belly fat is one of the most dangerous types, there is evidence of the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes, according to research.
But, as many advertisements and commercials claim, is there truly a miracle cure — a quick and painless way to lose stubborn belly fat?
To be honest with you guys, the answer is “NO”
There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to losing belly fat.
Losing belly fat is a process and there are steps to follow to get the right result. That is if you are ready and willing to put in the work.
According to expert Rasa Kazlauskaite (an endocrinologist at the Prevention Center of Rush University), the following guide will walk you through all the alterations you’ll need to permanently decrease abdominal fat.
But before we step into the details, let`s, first of all, take a good look at the different types of belly fats and what they represent.

Types of Belly Fat
- Subcutaneous Fat – The subcutaneous fat is found above the muscle and under the skin. It is made of one piece of the deepest layer of our skin together with the connective tissue. The subcutaneous fat contains our blood vessels and neurons, as well as helps to maintain body temperature. While subcutaneous fat serves a variety of functions in our body, having too much of it can be harmful to your health.
- Intramuscular Fat – Intramuscular fat is found within the fibers of our skeletal muscle. It is deposited in lipid droplets close to the mitochondria, from where it serves as a source of energy that could be used during physical activity. Excess build-up of intramuscular fat in humans has been linked to illnesses including type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance, lipodystrophy syndrome, and the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which may result in AIDS wasting syndrome.
- Visceral Fat – Visceral fat is accumulated in the abdominal cavity. It’s close to several essential organs, such as the liver, the stomach, and the intestines, and can also cause clogging of the arteries. Because visceral fat can increase the likelihood of significant health problems, it is commonly referred to as “active fat.”
As a result, decreasing this fat can have a big impact on your health.
With tape, measure the diameter around your waist to determine the level of your belly fat. Abdominal obesity is defined as a waist measurement of more than 35 inches, which is (88 cm in women), and 40 inches, which is (102 cm in men).
Is There a One-Size-Fit All Solution for Losing Belly Fat?
When commercials claim to have a “one-trick” answer, keep in mind that their main goal is to sell you something, not to help you. Because consumers have made it clear to marketers that it is difficult for them to put up with too many things at once, they now believe good marketing requires only one message.
So, they concentrate on one trend, which captivates your interest, and you follow their link to visit their website. But the truth is, whether you are trying to lose belly fat or overall weight loss, there is no one single solution for that.
I am not saying that those products are not helpful. Most of them are, while some are completely useless. However, if you must go with the useful ones, don`t focus all your efforts on it alone to get the result. You still need to pay close attention to a healthy lifestyle, together with the right exercise to the best result so far.
You can follow this link to learn more about the best ways to lose weight according to scientific studies!
How to Lose Belly Fat the Right Way
Consume a Lot of Soluble Fiber
Soluble fiber soaks up water and creates a gel, which helps food travel across our digestive
system more slowly. According to studies, this sort of fiber aids weight loss by making you feel full, causing you to eat less naturally. It may also decrease the number of calories absorbed by your body from eating. A study of over 1,100 adults indicated that increasing soluble fiber consumption by 10 grams reduced belly fat accumulation by 3.7 percent over 5 years. (Source!).
Try to always eat high-fiber foods daily. The following foods are soluble fiber sources: flax seeds, Brussels sprouts, shirataki noodles, avocados, blackberries, and legumes.
Avoid Trans Fat Foods
Adding hydrogen to unsaturated fats like soybean oil produces trans fats. They’re still in
certain margarine and they’re frequently added to packaged meals, but many food manufacturers have abandoned their use. In observational and animal research, these lipids have been associated with inflammation, insulin resistance, cardiac disease, and belly fat growth. (Source!). According to a 6-year study, monkeys who consumed high trans fatty foods gained 33% more belly fat than those who ate a high monounsaturated fat diet.
Read the ingredient list carefully to avoid the risk of belly fat and safeguard your health, and avoid goods that include trans fats. These fats are frequently referred to as partially hydrogenated.
Don’t Overindulge in Alcoholic Beverages
In modest doses, alcohol can be beneficial to your health, but if you take too much, it can be
dangerous. According to research, excessive alcohol consumption can cause you to grow belly fat. Heavy alcohol intake is linked to a dramatically higher risk of getting central obesity, or excess fat accumulation around the waist, according to observational research. Reducing your alcohol consumption may help you lose weight. You don’t have to completely give up alcohol, but limiting how much you consume daily can help.
Consume a More High-protein Diet
Protein is an essential ingredient for weight loss. Increased protein intake boosts the
production of the full hormone PYY, which suppresses hunger and promotes satiety. Protein also helps you lose weight by increasing your metabolism and preserving muscle mass. If you’re aiming to lose weight around your waist, meat, eggs, fish, dairy, beans, and whey protein, are great sources of high protein.
Reduce Your Level of Anxiety
Stress causes the adrenal glands to generate cortisol, also called the stress hormone, which causes you to accumulate belly fat. High cortisol levels have been shown to stimulate hunger
and promote belly fat storage in studies. Furthermore, women with a wide waist are more likely to create more cortisol in reaction to stress. Cortisol elevation contributes to fat growth around the middle. Furthermore, women with a wide waist are more likely to create more cortisol in reaction to stress. Cortisol elevation contributes to fat growth around the middle. Engage in joyful activities that decrease tension to aid in the reduction of belly fat. Yoga and meditation are both effective strategies.
Limit Your Intake of Sugary Foods
When sugar is ingested in excess, it comprises fructose, which has been related to several
chronic disorders. Heart disease, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and fatty liver disease are among them. Observational studies have found a link between excessive sugar consumption and increased belly fat. It’s crucial to remember that belly obesity can be caused by more than just excessive sugar. Even healthier sweets like real honey should be used in moderation.
Get Some Aerobic Workout
Aerobic or cardio exercise is a great strategy to get in shape and burn calories. It’s also among
the most effective ways to lose abdominal fat, according to studies. However, the evidence on whether medium or low-intensity exercise is better is conflicting. According to one study, postmenopausal women who exercised for 300 minutes/week shed more fat from all places of their bodies than those who exercised for 150 minutes/week.
Check out our recommendation for the best weight exercise apps!
Reduce Your Intake of Processed Carbohydrates
Cutting down on your carb intake can help you lose weight, especially abdominal fat. Women with polycystic ovarian syndrome, and overweight people with the risk for type 2 diabetes, lose belly fat on diets with less than 50 grams of carbs per day (PCOS). You may not have to stick to a low-carb diet to lose weight. According to several studies, merely substituting unprocessed starchy carbs for refined carbs can enhance metabolism and decrease belly fat. Excess abdominal fat is linked to the high consumption of refined carbohydrates. Consider lowering your carb consumption or substituting healthy carb sources such as whole grains, vegetables, or legumes for refined carbs inside your diet.
Do Some Weight Lifting or Any Resistance Training
Resistance exercise sometimes referred to as strength training or weight lifting is essential for maintaining and growing muscle mass. Strength training is a very effective weight-loss method for abdominal fat reduction. It appears to be significantly more beneficial when combined with aerobic exercise, according to studies.
Get a Good Night and Restful Sleep
Sleep is essential for a variety of health factors, including weight management. People who don`t sleep enough are more likely to acquire weight, including belly fat, according to studies. According to the research of about 68,000 women, discovered that women who slept below 5 hours/per night were considerably more likely to acquire weight than those who slept 7 hours and above/per night. Sleep apnea, a disorder in which a person experiences an intermittent pause in breathing during the night has also been connected to extra visceral fat. In addition to getting at least 7 hours of sleep per night, make sure you’re receiving enough quality sleep. If you
believe you have any sleep condition such as sleep apnea, consult a doctor, and get treatment.
Meanwhile, to avoid stepping into sleep apnea, follow this guide on proper night sleep management.
Consume Probiotic Foods or Probiotic Supplement
Probiotics are bacteria that can be found in certain meals and supplements. They provide numerous health benefits, including improving gut health and immunological function. Consuming probiotic supplements can aid in the maintenance of a healthy digestive tract. Beneficial gut flora may also aid in weight loss, according to research.
Avoid Sitting Down for Too Long
According to studies, persons who sit for 8 – 9 hours/day, even though they exercise for a minimum of 150 minutes/week, do not reap the same benefits as people who are more moving all through the day. If your job requires you to sit for the majority of the day, try to find ways and methods to move.
You can do the following:
- Take short pauses during the day to go for a stroll.
- Take an extended walk during your lunch break.
- Instead of the elevator, you can take a walk through the staircase.
- Stretching exercises can be done at your workstation.
- You can simply do some moving around as much as possible.
- Experiment with Intermittent Fasting
Do Intermittent fasting
Intermittent fasting has gained popularity in recent years as a method of weight loss. It is a dietary plan that alternates between periods of fasting and times of eating. One popular strategy is to fast for 24 hours one or two times/a week. Another option is to fast for 16 hours each day and eat all of your food within 8 hours. People observed a 4–7 percent decrease in abdominal fat between 6–24 weeks in a study of alternate-day fasting and intermittent fasting. Some data suggest that fasting in particular, and intermittent fasting may not be as helpful to women as it is to men. Although many modified intermittent fasting strategies appear to be superior options, if you encounter any negative consequences, you should discontinue fasting immediately.
Consume Green Tea
Green tea, particularly, is a very healthful beverage. Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) which is an antioxidant, and Caffeine are both present, and both appear to enhance metabolism. EGCG, epigallocatechin gallate, is a catechin that can help you burn abdominal fat, according to various studies. When green tea drinking is paired with exercise, the benefit may be amplified.
Types of Bellies with Fat and How to Tackle Them
Many of us want to tone up all around the middle in pursuit of that elusive fat tummy or, at the very least, a decrease in the flat love handles that few of us like. The fascinating thing about abdominal fat is the fact that they are not all the same. Rather, based on the root causes, there are particular variances in the placement and type of abdominal fat. So, if your stomach has been hurting you, here are a few techniques to figure out what’s causing your belly fat and how to get rid of it.
- Bloated Stomach – Belly fat accumulates with time and gradually develops, but the bloated

the stomach begins relatively flat as the sun rises, and gradually expands into a greater volume as the offending diet that provokes the gas and the fluid accumulation starts going across the digestive tract. Distention and abdominal bloating can be caused by a variety of foods, but dairy, gluten, wheat, and fructose are some of the most prevalent culprits. If you’re experiencing bloating and pain throughout the day, consider taking some probiotic supplement to improve your health, and if that doesn’t work, consult a dietician who specializes in IBS and low FODMAP diets.
- Beer Belly – Unfortunately, a beer belly affects women as well, and it should probably be

called a wine belly. For many heavy drinkers, consistent high consumption of alcohol (>3-4 bottles almost every day) is connected with a packed powder fat. This fat rests pretty high in the abdomen area over time. Guts from beer (or wine) are typically hard because of a buildup of visceral fat that is packed very firmly in the stomach wall, leaving the stored fat with very little space to move. Visceral fat happens to be the worst sort of fat since it sits so close to our vital organs, and the best approach to clear it is to drastically cut your alcohol consumption over time.
- Muffin Top – The thickness of the middle waist with such a soft, jelly-like fat can indicate one thing: hormone disruption. That a variety of hormonal disorders, including insulin resistance

and PCOS, maybe cause insulin levels to rise over time. As a result, a distinct pattern of adiposity emerges. While sedentary habits are linked to insulin resistance, high-carbohydrate diets, and genetics can also influence fat storage as we age. If you see such a pattern of weight gain, the best approach is to act soon. To assist keep the proteins that cause weight gain under check, reduce the carbohydrate level of your diet. If you can’t lose weight in this area despite exercising and eating healthy, it’s time to see a doctor or an endocrinologist to have your hormones checked.
- Stress-Induced Belly – If you don’t drink much but have observed fat accumulating at your

stomach top, it’s possible that stress is to cause. If you lack sleep, eat a poor diet, and lack exercise, you can end up with an increase in visceral fat that is not explicitly linked to the high consumption of alcohol. While food and exercise are vital, this form of fat accumulation indicates that your lifestyle is out of balance since your body is accumulating fat in places where it shouldn’t be. More cardiac exercise, as well as more sleep, tranquility, and a balanced lifestyle, will help.
- Mummy Tummy – Women who have had children are well aware that their stomachs are no longer as round as they previously were. The good thing is that such a subcutaneous fat isn`t
hazardous. It can range from a general skin droop to a large fatty bag. And the problem is more of a cosmetic one than a health one. If there is excess weight present, high-intensity exercise may contribute to the removal of this resistant fat, although in many situations, loose skin rather than major fat deposits is the problem.
Now, you have come this far in your struggle for a better body mass or structure, you don`t want a situation whereby you start wearing that weight back again. So, to avoid that, you need to know how to maintain your new body and remain healthy for good.
Follow this link to learn more about how you can maintain your new body!
As I said before, using weight loss supplements is not a bad idea. But it is not a solution on its own. It can only help to enhance your result. You must be able to indulge in most, if not all, the above tips, (most especially, exercises), for the best result.
In that case, here is our best recommendation for belly fat supplement –
Final Words
I believe you now have a good knowledge of how to lose belly fat the right way. There are no quick fixes for reducing belly fat, it is an entire process. Weight loss will always need some effort, dedication, and endurance on your part. If you successfully implement some or all of the tactics and lifestyle goals outlined in this article, you will undoubtedly reduce weight around your waist, and achieve that flat tummy you are craving for.
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