When we’re young we are always trying to look elderly and mature. And then suddenly, you start having this weird thinking of how to look 10 years younger than my age.
That’s not a problem – anyway!
I’m sorry to say those cosmetic products only make up for way less than 10% of the appearance of your skin. That is what is going to make this guide different from all the rest. Your body wants to give you firm and smooth glowing skin, no matter what age you are.
That’s the truth!
It’s crying out for it!
You can unravel your skin’s natural ability to reduce signs of aging with these simple tricks. These tricks are based purely on how to look younger than your age naturally.
OH Yes – naturally!
In the following few minutes, I will unveil the secret to turning back the clock on dull sagging aged skin. After which your skin will look radiant tight, and smooth for the rest of your life. In the last decade, this method has effectively and organically reduced years of wrinkles and age spots and with some, it’s even changed their lives for the better.
Building confidence and showing their exterior beauty like 31-year-old Hilda Barbara who decided to give it a try after she got word of her ex-husband who married a woman half his age or Maroc Aditya who is happily married but tired of her husband pointing out the wrinkles that have formed around her eyes and forehead.
Did I grab your attention?
But for you to have a better understanding of what I am about to reveal to you, lets, first of all, go through the myths of the cosmetic industry and the false claims dermatologists have influenced the world about balancing excessively dry oily, or sensitive skin, wrinkles lifting, tightening the jawline, and exposing the reason some encounter aging sooner than others.
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Source: (Unsplash) |
The Biggest Misconception About Skin Beauty
Before I guide you through this natural celebrity secret for the younger skin method, I want you to know why you only come across a few fortunate individuals who seem to defy gravity.
So, what’s preventing you from turning back the hands of time?
It is the biggest misconception that the effortless beautiful appearance we privately desire is rare and depends on our genes.
Let Me Explain….
Your relationship with your skin resembles a newborn baby who needs a lot of attention. You can never predict when the next temper tantrum is going to erupt. You can probably relate to an experience similar to a lady when she hit her adolescent years. She had the ill blessing of excessively oily skin, her foundation refused to stay on unless she heavily reapplied it with a clean face.
Her only condition was responsible for cystic acne, (the hideous ones). Or it made her insecure because she knew exactly what everyone was staring at, after two rounds of Accutane and educating herself on how to cover up skillfully her imperfections.
Did she finally manage to appear like a normal-looking woman at her age?
But even underneath that exterior, she was always paranoid about oiliness, blemishes, and upcoming breakouts. A lot of her life revolved around her skin insecurities.
However, normal isn’t always healthy!
Though she looks normal with the help of costly and extensive daily skincare products and targeted treatments, she was still confined to having to hide between layers of makeup. It’s annoying to spend an hour in your bathroom every night just to get ready for bedtime. It was not until her early 30s that she started to see signs of premature aging with a few small acne breakouts.
She was too young to have wrinkles but too old to have visible acne. She envied the faces of those flawless, drop-dead gorgeous youthful-appearing Hollywood actresses in their late 20s and early 30s and now she despised them. I spoke to hundreds of women about this repeatedly and I’ve observed the same sequence as always.
Acne as a teen, years through the early 20s, and then in their early 30s they’re automatically a target for beauty sales associates.
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Source: (Pexels) |
The Skin Care Struggles
Just because we sometimes have obvious signs of aging, we find ourselves experimenting with several products or treatments in a bit to delay the process of aging. Where it appears that the only option we are left with is costly and involves a needle and toxic drug. If you are reading this and that is what you are going through, I can assure you that you’re certainly not alone.
If it does, not a problem – because the solution is here. Now, for the ultimate question, you found yourself asking again and again, how do some women stay so young and look so beautiful for their age, as my friend Elna who ages like fine wine. Her eyes have no sight of crow’s feet, her cheeks are high and plump, and her jawline is well-defined.
She always looks good in all her pictures and at any time of the day, even without any makeup or moisturizer. All because of this single secret that the industry has kept away from the world for decades.
How to Look 10 Years Younger Than Your Age – The Young Beautiful Skin Facts
The reason why some women like stunning celebrities could cheat the aging process and appear years younger with a smooth radiant complexion than other women doesn’t have anything to do with the expensive skincare products they apply onto their skin. It is also far from injections and surgical procedures.
First of all, I want you to know that this is going to sound too effortless for you. Yes, I mean it sounded too simple for me to believe either. That was not until I discovered how effective it turned out to be. You should know that the fundamental and most important aspects of skincare, in general, lie in nourishing the skin.
As I said, this is going to sound all too effortless. But here is why you’ve lost the genetic lottery, and are not able to appear years younger than you want to be. Not because of the right products but because of malnourishment in your body. The average American consumes 3.7 pounds of food daily. On the other hand, we apply an ounce or two of beauty products to our skin every day.
Which do you suppose has the greatest impact?
Over 90% of women are uneducated on what to eat to nourish their skin cells to regenerate firm and a tight new layer of the skin properly. Even as it sounds simplified, it is evident that there is a method of feeding yourself younger every day.
As a way to see sprinkles and transmit a surge of collagen to tighten and restore your: –Neck Jawline
- Lips
- Cheeks, an
- Forehead
In the same way there are also foods to dissolve age spots, and skin discoloration and also divert sun-damaged skin.
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Source: (Element5 Digital-Unsplash) |
Overall Make-Up Tips to Keep That Skin Younger and Beautiful
It is proven that facial wrinkles and numerous pigment spots make you look older. You sometimes look at the people around you and try to determine your age but there are some things in your appearance that can make you look years younger than your age naturally.
Let’s start with a few very vital aspects of our skincare and overall make-up that most women ignore and realize in most cases: –
01. Full Lower Lips
One aspect of looking a few years younger, the effects of a childish lip has a big role. Modern girls nowadays prefer to make their upper lips bigger, because they think this will make them look attractive while a few lower lip makes the face look younger and more naive.
02. Natural Skin Color
Even though tanned skin can help make little defects on your face, it makes you look a few years older. This is because it is easier to see wrinkles on tanned skin. In addition, the sun makes you old in a literal way. Don’t forget the fact that ultraviolet rays are very harmful, so make sure you use sunscreen every day.
03. A Little Un-kept Hair
Nothing makes you look older than perfect hair where every detail is in the right place it should be. Only girls with ideal faces or perfect skin can be brave enough to have such hair and still look young and beautiful. If you don’t want to look older when doing your hair, you should keep the tips a little uneven, and you should be a little unkempt.
04. Natural Hair Color
Bright hair color is usually associated with youths. The same result can be achieved with natural dark color. What is most important is to have a natural color. Women with naturally blonde hair that looks kind of yellow and women with extremely dark hair look older than they are. So try to blend the colors and make it look a little stylish but natural as well.
05. Fingernails
Don’t forget, that nails are a part of the skin as well. So, not only is it attainable to feed your way to a facelift, but you will also notice having stronger longer nails and your hair suddenly unveiling a glossy finish. And you will probably have to replace your current shampoo and conditioner as a result of growing long full and thick hair.
The story was the same with hundreds of women I’ve come across. Adjusting simple things with their food resulted in them throwing away the dozens of beauty products in their medicine cabinets and dressers. What is awful is how most women were making big mistakes without even realizing it. Mistakes that caused them to age more with every meal, carving existing lines deeper on their faces with each mouthful.
To archive, the best result with your nails and your hair, read this.
06. Quit Smoking
It is no longer news that smoking can increase the rate of skin aging, which leads to premature wrinkles and sagging skin. Your face is not the only part that can get wrinkles due to smoking either, the skin on other parts of your body can age too.
For the following reason: –
- As you very well know nicotine in cigarettes narrows the blood vessels in the top layer of your skin, so it’s much harder to transport oxygen and vital nutrients like vitamin A that your skin needs to live healthily.
- There are well over 4,000 toxins in cigarettes that can damage collagen and elastin. Whereas your skin needs these fibers to stay strong, supple, and youthful.
- When you are smoking, there is a tendency to purse your lips.
So, you have to find a way to quit smoking.
07. A Good Rest
It is also very important to find tile to chilling out because chilling out can make all the difference to your physical and mental well-being. Not only can stress deprive you of sleep, which your skin needs to renew itself but the stress hormone (cortisol) is also linked to the skin’s appearance.
So, make sure you take time out for yourself to relax and distress before you lose it.
08. Exercise
Good exercise pumps up your blood circulation and promotes a healthy cell renewal process inside your skin. Also, it flushes out toxins, reduces stress, and helps you to relax and sleep better. It also boosts collagen production.
09. Wear Sunscreen
Too much exposure (overexposure) to harmful UV rays can age your skin over time. This is called “Photoaging”. The process of UV radiation creates free radicals that can damage the skin and make it look less youthful. I recommend that for the best defense, you use sunscreen with a high SPF (30 or above) and apply it daily.
You can as well if you wish to, look for cosmetics (though not too advisable. Always go naturally) or moisturizers that contain sunscreen.
10. Watch Your Alcohol Intake
Sadly, yes, drinking too much can cause dehydration and damage to your skin.
Many studies have even found that a glass or two of wine daily may help slow the aging process, but everyone doesn’t have to drink heavily.
11. Have Good Sex & Frequently
In a study done on men and women, it was found that frequent sex can lead to a longer life.
A lady aged 43 years old was asked what the secret of her beauty was, and she always responded and said sex & yoga.
So, you may want to give that a try. If it is working for them, it will work for you as well.
12. Quit Worrying a Lot About Your Age and Embrace Your Appearance
Aside from making sure, you don’t have any skin diseases, there’s no need to “fix” aging in itself. Consume enough lean proteins, fibers, and healthy fats; stay hydrated; exercise regularly, and focus on the positive aspects of your life to maintain a young appearance even as you age.
The best you can do is pay attention to what you have left and make the most out of it. You have absolutely no control over the past, but you can still control what you have left, and the best way to do that is by accepting what you are now. Worrying less about yourself also helps take away stress.
Remember stress is one of the causes of aging. You don`t want that.
13. Always Smile & Even Laugh
“Smiles, good relationships, and pure joy all contribute to a youthful appearance.” Laughter increases blood vessel function and reduces stress, two important indicators that can contribute to a youthful appearance. There is a biological explanation for this.
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Image By cottonbro – (Pexels) |
The Hidden Secret About the Skin
The big secret to glowing smooth and clear skin without the time-consuming morning-in-bed routines is straightforward and simplistic. It is understanding how to deprive and diminish old dying skin on the surface and feed new healthy skin to the surface in a way that makes it enjoyable. You’re indulging in a cheap meal at every meal.
Allow me to explain why…
Upon being born, our body naturally generates tons of collagen. Collagen is responsible for making our skin firm and youthful as we mature and develop into our mid-20s. Our body’s natural production of collagen decreases every year due to gravity pulling harder on our eyelids, cheeks, jawline, and neck.
Our skin loses its moisture and dry lines come to be permanent, and then wrinkles become present. What most women are unaware of is that our body is still constructing new cells every day as your body did when you were a child. Therefore, by providing nourishment to the growth of new cells with great collagen, we legitimately revived a younger version of ourselves.
However, the same as any part of our body, it needs the correct nutrition to do so. No creams, ointments, or treatments can take the place of food, (though they still have their part to play). Think of it this way, if a man wanted to build more lean muscle, he couldn’t do it without proper nutrition – right? With the skin, it is the same. Skin depends on the food you consume more than any other part of your body.
Question – Why?
Answer – Because the skin is the largest organ you have!
Upon aging, we form creases and lose our firmness and elasticity and it is because our dermis is losing its moisture, turning thinner, and getting looser. Our dermis is conjointly where our hair follicles are. When our dermis begins to deteriorate or wear out, it influences our hair as well. Imagine it like a grape, you can’t make the soft spongy interior healthier by applying chemicals on the thinner exterior surface. You have to manipulate the interior to grow a healthier firm outer layer.
Once the grape is plucked from the vineyard, it loses its source of nutrients and it becomes dependent on the inside flesh of the grape and over time begins to rot. For that same reason, it so means applying collagen creams on the outset of our skin is good though, but the hope of it invigorating fresh cells to the surface is illogical.
Common Beauty Scams in The Market
Collagen creams are scams mixed with sneaky marketing tactics. They just don’t show results, because collagen can only be produced from beneath the dermis. Before I tell you why, do you know the three reasons why those within the cosmetic industry, doctors, or dermatologists will tell you this?
First – 0nce you see how easy it is to nourish yourself to fade away wrinkles and appear ten or even twenty years younger with your next meal, you’ll never go back.
Secondly – The beauty industry would lose a lot of profits if exposed, and the third reason women have not been educated about these facts which are the hardest to believe.
It is solely because, through the course of their entire medical training, doctors are not taught this at the most, they only received a few hours of training on nutrition.
I asked various doctors and they said that the foods we indulge in such as: –
- Fries
- Pizza
- Chocolates
are not responsible for our skin’s troubles.
I’m sure you’re just as upset as I am and by the chance, you ask your doctor and they gave you the same response, maybe you should ask them for a valid response. Not too long ago, doctors prescribed time in the Sun for mild skin irritations like eczema and acne, we all know the dangers of UV radiation such as the effects it has on the skin, eyes’ immune system, and also damaging collagen fibers, and expediting the aging process.
You see the medical industry isn’t always correct. I can relate to you that we put a great deal of trust into dermatologists and even the sales associates that sell these treatments. And the fact that you haven’t been enlightened about this, by your dermatologist, can make you feel deceived and cheated as well but guess what, there’s good news.
Changing The Game
The good news is that now you’re going to learn how to easily reduce any skin condition by following a few steps with foods that you probably already have in your kitchen right now but perhaps have no idea how to go about it.
Do you want to know something even more incredible among all the foods that can alter your appearance? There’s a nutrient found in one type of food that exhibits the greatest impression to reduce great signs of aging.
Here Is Where the Game Changes!
One day, my friend Elna, and her grandmother came to visit. Her lustrous long thick black hair was in a low chignon, and her olive complexion Never had I seen the skin like that before. I couldn’t even find a hint of dryness in her skin. She had a deep endless glow, anyone who met her could see that she was sharp as a tack.
I was in shock when I found out she was 80 years old I was dying to know her secret. A few days, I was at their home one morning she came out and gave me something Muna to drink. When I tried to find out, it was a mug and she said – drink this for your skin, so I also tasted it.
It was some Chi that had an aroma of something I’d never smelled before, but it was pleasant. After she had taken the juice for some time, her skin without a doubt cleared up it looked even supply, and guess what, it glowed. I thought this broom-like Rubio’s was an enchanting plant that was delivered by some rare unicorn.
But when I find out about it, it was merely a legume plant family and genetically occupies the highest amounts of rich antioxidants. A component that is vital not only to slow down aging but reversible to visible signs of aging. You can feel free with your vitamins and supplements, (in fact, we will look at some of them below if that is what you want), but the truth is, the game is in the food we eat.
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Image By Dennis (Klein – Unsplash) |
Our diet!
Vitamins and supplements can only come in to supplement food maybe because you were too occupied that you missed your meal but not as a major source of collagen. Now, antioxidants are essential for tight-toned and youthful appearing skin. Our typical American diet couldn’t nearly give us enough antioxidants to make any difference in our skin.
But taking supplements is not beneficial for the skin, because our bodies can only absorb a maximum of 10 percent of it. And you can only consume (Too Many) supplements before you result in stomach pains. But as I said above, you have to control your supplement consumption.
Miraculous substances in the product section of that grocery store thrived to benefit our skin and be more valuable and I was able to find out foods that accelerated aging. It’s like I had my fountain of youth down the street. There’s something on every aisle and every shelf that can solve any beauty dilemmas you’ve been dealing with for the past years.
After multiple experiments with these foods, I discovered myself doing something I never imagined I could. After my introduction to Elna’s grandmother, and after reading numerous books and researching, I found myself adjusting my diet, even more, gaining infinite energy, and shedding 23 pounds off my waist.
The countless hours of panning my head into books all drew me to my conclusion that the mediocre American diet we’re accustomed to consuming from a young age, is not only responsible for causing us to age but also accelerating the aging process. So, if it appeals to you to display signs of aging years before you should, with wrinkles on the forehead, around the eyes, mouth, or even sagging skin, accompanied by a drab complexion, you’re on the right path.
Proceed to eat the foods everyone else in America is consuming!
The Characteristics of Food To The Skin
The characteristics in many foods we have all around us can also cure minor issues such as acne to more severe issues like sun-damaged skin, dry flaky skin, patchy skin, uneven skin even eczema and rosacea. Once you get the great mother nature on your side, you have access to the most elite esthetician you’ve always dreamed of.
But think of her as the foreign crush you can’t communicate with because of the language barrier. You have to learn how to speak their language for them to understand you, and I’m going to teach you that language. That being said, let’s look at my recommendations for archiving younger-looking skin naturally.
We are still going to look at some skincare products to top that up, later down the road.
Natural Younger Skin Recommendation
Now that you understand that the baseline solution to younger-looking skin is based on nature, let me show the exact steps to archive that.
My #1 Recommendation –
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Source: (Supersexyskin) |
The Super Sexy Skin Program!
My #2 Recommendation –
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Source: (primalbeautysecrets) |
The Primal Beauty Secret!
These are mother nature’s anti-aging expert guides that will uncover foods and exercises (and step-by-step guide), that will smooth out and eliminate wrinkles, crow’s feet, and smile lines as well as revive thin skin on the face and neck to plumper and firmer appearance.
Heightening stalking areas in the jawline, neck, and eyelids naturally fuller plumper lips preventing and removing stretch marks. Reversing sun-damaged skin such as – sunspots, uneven skin, and so much more – first you will receive the super sexy skin program alongside some other health-related ebooks as bonuses.
You will also learn in the manual the potent foods. The ones that are liable for maintaining firmness and elasticity past the age of 30 or 40 and above and for generating perfect skin cells. Where to purchase them and how to add them to your meal.
A few of the ingredients will help care for the natural oil in the skin that prevents it from drying while other foods will effectively leave you with smoother and younger skin by improving collagen levels. In addition, I’ve also listed a variety of foods that aid in detoxifying the layer of skin under the surface which promotes new skin cells to accept the nutrients to begin growing.
After that, I will reveal to you the secrets to penetrating within deepest the layers of the skin with powerful antioxidants in nature consuming nutrients from foods versus supplements. And pills are more beneficial when we eat actual foods well. Our skin cells and body absorb the nourishment more than any other supplement.
You will also acquire information on how to properly protect your skin from the inside from harmful UV rays and thick sun damage. Guess what, there’s even a special food to cook thoroughly and eat that can perform a sunblock and block UV rays and no cost.
You can indulge in a reviving spa-like lifting procedure in the comfort of your home as you discover ancient face masks that have been used for centuries but have only recently been revealed to dramatically attack adult acne, and reduce and heal it. You’ll be amazed that you’ll be disposed of all the cream serums over-the-counter medications and skin drying.
Aunt Minetta caused her skin to flake these homemade masks are so calming for even the most sensitive skin but you’ll be able to fight off acne without leaving any scars or blemishes. The mask sheds dead skin cells moisturizing underlying skin and helps brighten the overall complexion.
You’ll be surprised when you see yourself staring into the mirror and see the changes day by day and you will not only be amazed and flattered by the attention you have a sudden started to be showered with when people notice your transformation.
So, now that the inside is taken care of, let’s start taking care of the outside with beauty products that you love and skincare tips.
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Skincare Products and Tips For Younger-Looking Skin
Vitamine C
Vitamin C does a good job of promoting collagen and elastin production, but vitamin C should be in a stable form. Because when vitamin C is stable, it does not cause irritation and sun sensitivity. I will most recommend serums for the best result because they give the skin the best cleansing and toning effects before your moisturizer.
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Source: (skinceuticals) |
SkinCeuticals C E Ferulic Antioxidant Serum
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Source: (dermstore) |
BeautyStat Universal C Skin Refiner
Vitamin A
In the last couple of decades, vitamin A has joined the list of the most prominent anti-aging products. Vitamin A derivatives (retinoids and retinol) are something every person should be used nightly, and I believe they should be used at night rather than during the day.
Because they boost the production of healthy skin cells, and also remove blackheads, speed cell turnover, even out skin tone, and minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
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Olay Regenerist Retinol Moisturizer, Retinol 24 Night Face Cream
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Alpha-H Vitamin A 0.5 25ml
Moisturizer & Foundation
Your hormone levels decline as you age, causing your skin to dry out. Try to reach for a cream foundation, especially if you have dry skin. In almost all cases, fuller coverage is achieved with thicker, creamier formulas. Pigment on the order hand is equally a fine powder. If you prefer a creamy makeup finish, try using a moisturizer or perhaps a hydrating primer along with it.
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Laura Geller Spackle Under Make-Up Primer
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Klair’s Rich Moist Soothing Cream
Fix Dark Circle With Concealer
As soon as you reach the period for the need for a concealer, it can eventually lead you into these sinking fine lines. While concealing any darkness under your eyes, apply concealer just to the inner halves of your under-eyes. Alternatively, you can use a brush-on highlighter pen to replace your concealer.
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Source: (Bye Bye) |
Bye Bye Under Eye Full Coverage Anti-Aging Concealer
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Source: (Nordstrom) |
Radiant Corrector for Eyes Liquid Concealer
Simple Eye Makeup
The makeup might run if you have oily eyelids, but you should not keep piling on makeup if that happens. Rather, apply a clear primer to retain the product. To give your eye makeup that professional touch, use flattering shades like sage or jewel tones. And make sure you apply liquid eyeliner so you get the perfect line.
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Source: (lauramercier) |
Laura Mercier Eye Basics Primer
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Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Portion
Supplements help to replenish the absence of some important nutrients in your body. The result of the absence of these nutrients in your body is often awful on the skin. Supplements do not do much to the skin and must not be considered a replacement for the diet. You still need to find time to consume the right diet meant for your skin.
And because it still has to do with your health, you need to get in touch with your doctor. Now, if you must consume some supplements, below are some recommendations.
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Source: (Amazon) |
Complete Collagen+
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Source: (naijasuperfans) |
DermaPrime Plus
Skincare Routine
Now that you have had all these before, you may be confused about how to apply them. OK, I understand, This is the steps to follow if you don’t know how to yet.
Daytime routine –
Cleaning – With your vitamin C face wash
- Day Protection (tone) – With your acne-prone tonner
- Vitamin C serum for a daycare
- Under-eye healing – With your under-eye serum or eye cream
- Mid-day refresh (moisturize) – To hydrate and strengthen the skin’s barrier
- Sunscreen – To save your skin from the sun
Nighttime routine –
- Cleanse
- Tone
- Serum & treatment
- Eye cream
- Acne spot treatment
- Face oil
And you are good to go.
Now you know how to look 10 years younger than your age. Truth is, if you understand the concept properly, then you should start feeling like an anti-aging expert right away. Because, every expert you meet will tell you the same secrets in this guide, which you already have. Looking young again is not difficult. It only takes your willingness to put into practice what you have learned. If it worked for others, why won’t it work for you? Follow all the steps and you will get the expected result.