A cookie is a piece of data that beautifullfitness.com saves on your computer and that your browser sends to beautifullfitness.com each time you visit. We utilize cookies to track and identify visitors, as well as their website usage and access choices.
Cookies from Google Analytics
beautifullfitness.com uses Google Analytics to track how people use the site. By using cookies, Google Analytics gathers demographic and activity data, as well as analytical and other data about our website usage.
These cookies are stored on your hard drive. This information is shared with Google, which will store and utilize it on its servers. The Google privacy statement may be found at https://policies.google.com/privacy.
beautifullfitness.com utilizes Analytics to monitor the number of visitors, browsers, and operating systems to the site. These cookies do not collect any personally identifiable information.
We use the data that Google Analytics collects about our website to develop reports about how people use it. These reports help us to keep the site up to date and improve your experience with it.
You can install an opt-out chrome extension or add-on on your browser if you don’t want your information to be collected by Google Analytics.
Cookies Used for Advertising Purposes
Google serves certain third-party adverts. The cookie used by Google allows it to offer advertisements to our users depending on their access to other websites on the Internet. By accessing the Google ad opt-out page, you can opt-out of tailored adverts.
Cookies Refusal
You may set your system to automatically accept or reject all cookies, or to inform you whenever a cookie is requested. This action must not interfere with your ability to access our site in the future.
For instructions on how to refuse all cookies or be notified when a cookie is requested, go to the Help Center of your browser.
If you refuse to accept cookies from physiotherapy-treatment.com, you may not be able to access all of the site’s interactive features.