Why is every mum looking for the best baby skin care tips and products?
Well, the answer is simple! Children are gifts from God. They are sweet and are nothing but just a bundle of joy with very delicate, soft, and sensitive skin. Therefore, we as parents are all called by nature to be more careful in how we take care of them, especially their skin.
In this article, we are going to talk about babies and infants, and the common problems their skin faces sometimes, especially during winter, cold and dry weather. We are also going to talk about the best ways to take care of your babies and maintain a fair complexion as they grow older, as well as the best products to use according to their needs.
Just stay with me right to the end……
Before starting a skincare routine for a baby, you need to know that babies have poor barrier function. And because of that, their skin is not able to protect itself very well, especially when seasons changed.
For that reason, the irritants which are there in the environment trouble their skin because they easily creep in. This factor also makes them Lose Moisture very fast because their skin is very dry.
Baby Skin Barrier Function
The barrier function of baby skin is thought to fully develop after 34 weeks of gestation from the time it starts to develop in utero. Understanding the incidence of diseases like irritating contact dermatitis, which affects infants differently from adults from a clinical perspective, is important.
When compared to adults, the first-year hydration levels of a baby’s skin are often higher. Values for transepidermal water loss exhibit a similar pattern. The stratum corneum of baby skin has a larger concentration of water and a steeper water slope than that of adults, according to water concentration profiles.
Infants have much higher rates of distribution and absorption as well as desorption of water applied exogenously. In comparison to newborn skin, which involves two processes with two different rate constants, adult skin desorbs water through a single cycle as well as a single rate constant.
According to Raman confocal measurements, natural moisturizing agents are less abundant in bay skin, suggesting one possible cause for the increased water flux observed in infants. Surprisingly, the barrier function of an infant’s skin not only continues to develop after birth but also seems to do so at least during the first year of life.
Infant skin is distinct from adults’ and stays that way for a very long time. In conclusion, there may be a higher requirement to protect a baby’s skin because of the fundamental differences in how water is distributed and transported through the skin’s outermost layers between infants and adults.
Image Source: pexels.com
What to Know About Baby Skin Before You Start Any Skincare
Baby skin is ultra-thin – sensitive – and dry
It’s difficult to picture a cute, nude baby having anything less than flawless skin when you’re cuddling them. However, every infant’s skin is physically vulnerable, according to medical standards. This contradiction was acknowledged in a 2011 study of ten years of research, which stated –
Even though it appears to have a practically flawless experience, baby skin is functionally and structurally immature in comparison to adult skin, and it develops physically after birth for at least the first year of existence.
The structure of baby skin is identical to the sensitive area under an adult’s eyes until roughly age two. The skin of babies and toddlers was found to be 20–30% thinner than that of their mothers.
It hasn’t fully matured yet
Why is baby skin thickness important? Recalling biology class: You may recall that the skin, the biggest organ in the body, is crucial to maintaining both our health and hydration (by holding onto moisture). When a healthy infant reaches maturity, the skin is capable of carrying out these fundamental, essential tasks.
Dermatologists describe baby skin as “competent,” but research reveals that its barrier function develops dramatically during a baby’s first year. And because a child’s skin must cover an increased surface area, that vital protective barrier is always lagging until they are four years old.
It’s like an open window
The thinness of children’s skin causes them to lose more water transepidermal, as described by dermatologists. In other words, it dries out quickly. Additionally, when it becomes dry, the effectiveness of its barrier function becomes comparable to that of an open window.
This means that some sensitizing components in skincare products can easily provoke reactions in children, and chemicals administered to the surface of the skin can more readily enter a child’s body.
Image Source: pexels.com
Common Baby’s Skin Problems, Especially During Winter
Right about below, we are going to talk about the common problems that we see in babies most especially in Winter, Cold, and Dry weather.
- Dry Flaky Skin – This is a very common problem of Dry and Cold weather with babies and infants. It is seen usually on the face, bottoms of the baby, and in areas of friction like the Wrist.
- Red-Chapped, Rough Cheeks – The cheeks feel very rough, they are pilling, and sometimes are cracks in the cheeks. So this is a very common problem with babies in winter.
- Eczema – Again, because of dry skin, winter, and cold areas, eczema turns to show up in children.
- Chapped Lips – Children and infants have this habit of licking their lips and again at small age like 5yrs, nose running is a very common problem in health. These factors keep their lips moist all the time and because of this, their lips lose their protective function.
- Heat Rash – This is a situation caused by heat. How does it happen? Many times, when there is cold, parents turn to buckle up their children with layers and layers of clothes, especially the babies and infants.
Why does this happen, especially in WINTER?
This happens because cold air does not contain as much humidity and moisture as warm or regular air does. They feel they need the right protection so they lay them up with lots of clothes. Now, what happens is, if the child is continuously bundled up, the sweat glance gets blocked and because of that, the Heat Rash starts. Now we believe you now know the common problems with babies. Let’s now look at what you can do to avoid or correct them.
How to Avoid Them
- Oiling – When oiling your baby, try to use lightweight oil like coconut Oil which is easily penetrable to the skin and goes and hydrates the skin. You can do this in the morning and the evening. Just apply the oil, leave it up for some time, and bathe your baby.
- About bathing your baby – After you oil your baby, try to give it a warm or a look-warm bath.
- Avoid long bath
- Avoid very hot bath
This is because long and very hot baths can further irritate or dry their skin. Therefore, go for a shorter big bath with look warm water. Also, use shampoos and soap which are PH balanced, gentle for their skin, and do not have too much Fragrance and Alcohol in them. After you bathe, your baby immediately moisturizes your child (Very Important).
Again use a moisturizer that is none perfume, try to go for a PH-balanced moisturizer as well.
- For the lips – Avoid using petroleum jelly. Go for lips jelly that has wax-like Honey Wax/Beeswax.
- For The Heat Rash – Here I will strongly recommend that you clothe your child with beddable clothes which are soft, lightweight, and do not block their skin. And always keep a close watch. If you feel they are heating up, immediately take them out of the clothes.
In addition to all we have covered so far, let me also give you 6 natural tips to help your baby with the fair complexion you are looking for. Yes, I mean strictly natural. You just hang on with me.
Other Milled Baby Skin Conditions
Regardless of skin type, various disorders can affect babies’ skin. These are normally benign and a normal aspect of skin development and the maturation process.
Milia are little, firm, white blemishes that resemble pimples on a baby’s nose. They might also show up on the forehead and chin. Milia develop from the oil glands and naturally vanish. This skin condition typically goes away on its own within a couple of weeks or days and requires no treatment.
Salmon patches (A.K.A Stork bites)
These are little pink or red spots that can frequently be seen on the baby’s eyelids, upper lip, and behind the neck. They may be particularly noticeable while the baby is crying and are brought on by a concentration of undeveloped blood vessels. By 18 months of age, the majority of these start to diminish and eventually disappear. Salmon patches don’t need to be treated in any way.
Mongolian markings
Mongolian spots are purple or blue blotches on the buttocks and lower back of the baby. Mongolian spots are seen in kids of all races with a dark complexion, but they are more common in babies of African descent, Asian descent, and Indian descent. The spots, which are brought on by a buildup of pigmented cells, often go away within the first 4 years of life.
Erythema toxicum
Another name for erythema toxicum is (ETN) – erythema toxicum neonatorum. It is a reddish rash on a baby’s skin that is typically observed on the back and the chest though it can appear elsewhere. It is frequently referred to as a “flea bite” rash. Within the first couple of days of a baby’s life, this disease affects about 50% of all newborns. Erythema toxicum is not harmful, doesn’t need to be treated, and goes away on its own within a few days. The goal of skincare, especially for babies, is to keep the baby’s skin from being too washed.
Acne neonatorum, or baby acne
Pimples appear in about one-fifth of babies within the first month. These typically show up on the forehead and cheeks. These are allegedly brought on by maternal hormones and go away after a few months. Avoid attempting to open it as this could cause an infection.
Strawberry hemangioma
A collection of microscopic, immature blood vessels leads to hemangiomas. The majority of these involve the head. They might not be visible at birth, but they frequently form within the first 2 months. These birthmarks frequently increase in size over several months before gradually starting to dissipate. They are more common in preterm babies and girls. By age 9, almost all strawberry hemangiomas vanish.
Image Source: pexels.com
Best Baby Skin Care By Skin Type
Dry skin
Typically, a newborn baby has dry skin. Anywhere on an infant, the dry skin of a newborn appears flaky with rough spots. In some cases, the infant baby’s dry skin may start to crack. Even though it shouldn’t cause too much concern, if the flaky skin on your kid doesn’t go away after a while, you should consult a pediatrician.
- Skincare Tips – To prevent fluid from evaporating from the skin, it is crucial to keep the newborn’s dry skin hydrated and preserve the oil on its flaky surface. Second, it’s also beneficial to avoid wiping your baby with sensitive skin with rough fabric. For instance, pat the baby’s skin dry after a bath, or use materials and fabrics that are gentle on the skin when changing your baby’s diaper. Last but not least, you should consult a pediatrician for guidance on newborns with dry skin if their flaky skin is becoming worse.
Normal Dry Skin
Sometimes you don’t need to worry too much about your newborn with dry skin if the skin is only on a dry surface. The newborn dry skin behind the moderately flaky area is moist and healthy, while the top dry surface acts as a skin barrier.
- Skincare Tips – To prevent water from evaporating from the skin too quickly, it’s crucial to protect the skin of newborns with dry skin and keep oil at the skin’s surface.
Ordinary Skin
The skin is smooth and supple with no obvious color or texture differences.
- Skincare Tips – Preventing the skin from becoming dry and irritated is crucial for proper skin care.
The following are some ways to stop skin issues from occurring:
- A newborn baby should not be exposed to irritants like aroma or colors, especially in the first few months of life.
- To help retain moisture, it would also be beneficial to use oil-based products before, during, or after a bath or diaper change. Organic olive oil, organic coconut oil, and organic sunflower oil are all excellent options.
Normal sensitive skin
Sensitive skin babies are always irritated, with obvious red spots and itches are frequent. Some infants suffer from even more severe skin disorders, such as eczema. However, as the infant grows and develops the sensitivity of their skin changes.
- Skincare Tips –
- Never leave a child in a wet diaper for an extended period or tighten the diaper too much.
- Avoid exposing a baby’s skin to physical stressors like rough textiles like those found in wet wipes or chemical irritants such as fibers and dyes.
- Try to outfit your infant as comfortably as you can with leave-on, irritant-free products that serve as a protective layer. Highly sensitive skin will benefit from the soothing and relaxing effects of skin-to-skin contact.
Image Source: pexels.com
When to Visit a Physician or Dermatologist
While there are a few illnesses you may treat on your own, if the rash is severe or covers numerous regions, such as the baby’s butt, you may need to see a pediatrician.
Some of The Best Tips to Naturally Make Your Baby’s Skin Fair Enough
Gram Flour Paste
Gram flour paste is used for lightening the skin tone. It removes TAN and lightens the skin gradually. Gram flour also clears the dead cells from the skin and makes the skin soft and smooth.
To prepare this paste, you will need the following:
- Raw Milk – (1 teaspoon)
- Turmeric – (1 teaspoon)
- Fresh Cream – (1 teaspoon)
- Gram Flour – (2 teaspoons)
- How to Prepare – This is a very simple process to believe everyone knows how to do. But all the same, for those who do not yet have an idea of how it is done, this is the process…… In a small bowl, combine all the above-mentioned ingredients according to their different quantities and mix well to create a smooth and fine paste.
- How to Apply – Gently spread the thick paste over your baby’s skin, after ten min, when it starts to dry off, use a soft cloth or a piece of damp cotton to clean off the pack. The bacteria that cause diarrhea are destroyed by raw milk.
I want you to know that you can as well apply this same paste to your adult face and experience the same result. Just apply evenly on your face, and leave it to dry naturally but this time around, it will need to take 20 minutes and then you can wash it off with water.
Repeat this exercise 2 to 3 times a week. This face pack brightens the skin and makes it look clean!
Fruit Sap
Another good DIY remedy to improve your baby’s complexion is to feed your baby with grape juice.
Natural fruit will help to cleanse all the epidermis and provide fair skin for your baby. Additional nourishing fruits that will improve your baby’s skin tone are Apple, Orange, etc.
Massage Skin with Coconut Oil
The healthiest option for massaging the body has always been coconut oil.
Try A Body Scrub
Scrubbing your baby’s body gently is quite effective. It can be beneficial to do this at least once every week to promote smooth and healthy skin. Gently clean your baby’s skin with a thin paste made of chickpeas and rosewater. After the cleansing, your baby will appear spotless and his or her skin will gleam.
Regulated Sunbath
It is crucial that you occasionally let your youngster be outside in the sun, but make sure it’s under control. Long-term exposure to the elements can cause irreversible skin darkening in children. To keep your baby out of the sun, you might use a pram.
Using Mint Leaves
Mint leaves not only help in improving the skin tone of your baby but also provide an overall cooling effect. Massaging will improvise skin tone and will also strengthen your baby’s muscles. So make your child’s skin fair at home with regular oil massage. Leaving your child out for a long can lead to the darkening of the skin beyond repairs. You may as well carry a pram to keep your child from direct sunshine. Apply a thick paste to the child’s face after chopping up some mint leaves.
Best Baby Skincare Products
There are many different skincare items available for your baby, including spritzes, bubble baths, and baby oils and lotions. For your child’s bath and other requirements, choosing the proper products is crucial to preventing dryness and irritation.
To be able to bring you the greatest skincare products for your babies, we examined the best baby skincare products our community parents believe are must-buys due to their experiences in order. We also think that this list will put an end to your hunt for the best or appropriate baby skincare items.
Image Source: Childfarm.com
Childs Farm – Overall Best Brand for Baby Skincare
The Childs Farm line is very well-liked by parents and is a perfect option because it may be used with young children who have sensitive skin or eczema. It is suitable for babies, toddlers, and beyond. The newborn range comprises body wash, nighttime bubbles, oaty bubbles for individuals with really sensitive skin, baby oil, shampoo, moisturizer, and diaper cream. It is sold in adorable packaging and has an enticing scent. Another option to help your baby settle is a pillow spray (recommended after six months). Despite being a mild product, the entire line has delightful aromas like organic fig, tangerine, or pineapple and watermelon that will leave your child smelling delectable. The company also boasts that its products are vegan-friendly and free of kennel or palm oil, making them excellent choices for consumers who favor environmentally friendly alternatives.
It should be noted that products from this brand are not the cheapest in the market!
- Appropriate for newborn baby range.
- Vegan.
- Several gluten-free products.
Aveeno Baby – Best For Sensitive Skin
When it comes to baby skincare, Aveeno has you covered. They offer a derma variety, daily care, and relaxing, calming comfort. Their products are favorites among parents for babies with very sensitive skin, such as those prone to eczema, because they contain natural oats in the mixture. The products’ thick but simple-to-absorb consistency, which helps to moisturize and calm a newborn’s sensitive skin, is popular with parents. Since Aveeno is so effective for a baby’s delicate skin, some parents claim that their doctor has also recommended it to them.
This is not the cheapest product available, but it’s also not the most costly either, with a mid-range pricing point!
- Produced with colloidal oatmeal.
- 4 baby product lines.
Dove Baby – Best For Newcomers
Products from Dove Baby have quickly become a solid favorite among parents thanks to their fragrance-free recipe that is suitable for newborns. Parents claim that while they love using these products on their children, they also love using them on themselves just as much. The line comprises Rich Moisture Baby Bar, Rich Moisture Head-to-Toe Wash, Rich Moisture Wipes, Rich Moisture Lotion, and Rich Moisture Shampoo. Additionally, there is a line designed exclusively for delicate skin. Dove Baby prioritizes moisturizing with their products, as it states on most of the labels, and parents have taken notice. The Rich Moisture Lotion and the Rich Moisture Baby Bar all contain 25% of moisturizing cream. When compared to the other market leaders, the Dove Baby line offers excellent value for the money and is frequently on sale.
Fans complain that bigger bottles should be offered!
- Product line between rich moisture and delicate moisture.
- No fragrance.
Burt’s Bees Baby – Best Natural Option
The Burt’s Bees baby line boasts that 99.8% of its products are all-natural. Parents adore using the items on their infants because of how kind they are to their skin and because they smell amazing. Many people enjoy using the items on themselves as well, and many consider baby oil to be an excellent eye makeup remover. They offer soothing original lotion, bubble baths, baby oil, shampoo, body wash, and diaper ointment. Parents in our community frequently recommend Burt’s Bees, and with over 35 years in business, the company is well-versed in what works for both parents and babies.
Unless you can purchase while there is an offer, the products are pricey!
- Product lines include Baby and Mama Bee.
- Made with 99.8% natural ingredients.
California Overtired and Cranky Body Oil – Best Baby Body Oil
This practical massage oil is available in a pump and contains just a little aromatherapy for a soothing effect. California Baby has a variety of scents, but we prefer this one. It makes infant massage quick and simple to guarantee that it is integrated into nappy change or bath time. It’s a terrific option for a baby shower gift. Because the extract is so concentrated, it is advised to begin with 2-4 drops and then gradually increase as necessary.
It is strongly advised that you massage your baby with this product every night. There are demonstrations that massaging your baby at night with this baby oil has several advantages. This body oil is calming and less stressful for both adults and infants. Its capacity to transform your mood from grumpy to sweet is where the word “Cranky” originates.
The fragrance is strong and can be very unpleasant to some parents, but it all depends on your preferences!
- 100% plant-based.
- Intensive skin soothing effect.
- Supper concentrated.
Sudocrem Healing Cream – Best Barrier Cream
Babies frequently have nappy rash, which is brought on by the continual dampness from feces and poop as well as the friction of diapers against their skin. Wearing a thick barrier cream like Sudocrem will aid in shielding the skin from irritants and moisture. Sudocrem is a tried-and-true lotion that effectively treats diaper rash. It offers a soothing effect for damaged skin because it includes zinc oxide and protection from ongoing wetness and irritants.
One of the parents said – “The only diaper cream suitable for my baby’s extremely delicate, eczema-prone skin. Within minutes of application, calms the baby down and soothes the bum. When necessary or after changing poop diapers, I use it frequently.”
Sudocrem is a good product but the quantity is small and pricy. It will be a good deal if bought for traveling purposes!
- Contain 15.25% Zinc Oxide.
- 8.7 x 8.7 x 9.7 cm; 400 Grams.
- Unisex product lines.
Burt’s Bees Buttermilk Soap – Best Baby Soap
This lotion is excellent, especially for bathing slippery newborns. It is an excellent option for sensitive skin but it also works well on normal skin. Additionally, it provides you with control so that liquids won’t spill into the infant’s eyes. This product performs a fantastic job of cleaning your infant. You’ll probably love the wonderful aroma as you bathe your child.
Avoid using it too frequently on your face if you have sensitive skin because doing so will cause your skin to become dry!
- Product line suitable for both newborns and infants.
- Highly recommended for sensitive skin type babies.
- Vegetable bath soup including buttermilk.
Tubby Todd Ointment – Best Universal Balm
Everyday usage of this balm is suitable for young children with eczema-prone or sensitive skin. The plant-based ingredients in the creamy ointment aid to hydrate the skin without making it feel oily. It doesn’t have a scent and is suitable for newborns.
- Smooth and creamy.
- Available in 3.5oz and 8oz jars.
- Gentle and suitable for all ages.
Pipette Baby Powder (From Cream to Powder) – Best Baby Powder
Modern baby powder is here to replace conventional baby powder, which is unsafe for infants. An excellent mess-free substitute for a standard baby powder that will leave you with a white residue is this talc-free lotion. In case of irritation or chaffing issues, you should just squeeze out a little quantity of the cream and then rub it into the baby’s skin. Thanks to the velvety texture of the product and the components made from plants, no residue is left behind.
- Safely absorbs wetness.
- Supports and hydrates.
- Sugarcane-derived squalane.
Aveeno Baby Zinc Oxide Mineral Sunscreen – Best Baby Sunscreen
When out and about, use sunscreen that resembles lotion and has an SPF of 50 to protect the baby’s skin. It is excellent for young children with delicate skin and can withstand 80 minutes of sweating and wetness. A tear-free formula that is hypoallergenic, paraben-free, fragrance-free, phthalate-free, and non-greasy makes up the sunscreen’s formulation. Never apply to broken or damaged skin.
When applied close to the eyes, it feels archy and can be extremely drying to dry skin types!
- 3-fluid-ounce tube.
- 100% zinc oxide.
- UVA/UVB Protection.
What to Look For When Shopping for Baby Skincare Products
Despite your desire to protect your baby’s skin, you need also to think about the product’s intended use. Long-term skin care for your baby will benefit from the appropriate purchases, particularly if the products have skin conditions.
Here are some additional factors to consider:
- Fragrance – In the belief that a product’s fragrance can induce allergic reactions, many parents choose fragrance-free formulations for young babies. Although this is occasionally the case, many gentle products for babies have pleasant scents that can enhance the user experience. Your child’s skin sensitivity will determine your choice. But first, do a test on the outer surfaces of your baby’s skin such as the lower wrist or behind the ears.
- The use – Some newborn moisturizers come in travel-friendly compact tubes, tubs, or with pump-action dispensers that make application simple and quick. Consider which is going to serve you best.
- Packaging – Packaging with recognizable faces or vibrant colors may appeal to older babies or toddlers who will be curious about all the bottles, lotions, and potions you keep near the changing table and make the work a little bit easier.
- Are they vegan? – The packaging of goods that are acceptable for vegans will display the “certified vegan” mark. Animal-derived substances like beeswax, lanolin, and honey won’t be present.
- Is it allergy-friendly? – Ingredients that are less likely to produce an allergic reaction are typically used in the formulation of hypoallergenic products. There are no hard and fast regulations about this, simple guidelines, and no company can promise that a product will not provoke a reaction.
- Is it cruelty and animal-tested-free? – Since 2009, it is illegal to test cosmetics on animals in the EU and the UK. However, this is a complicated matter because certain compounds might have undergone animal testing in the past, in other nations, or for other purposes. To identify products that have gone above and beyond to be cruelty-free, seek the product’s leaping bunny logo.
Nothing prevents your child’s skin from being as smooth as a baby’s bottom. Simply use as much gentleness with your baby’s skin as you can, and as it grows, get a better understanding of what it needs and doesn’t. Fortunately, a wide variety of baby skin care products are available to provide your baby’s skin with the care it requires.
You can give your baby the greatest skin complexion and texture you want by using our in-depth educational guide, which covers everything from the finest baby skincare advice to the best baby skincare products.